We Have a Winner! A NaNo Update

At 10:45pm on November 28, I officially became a winner of the 2011 NaNoWriMo!  See my pretty badge?  I also downloaded the certificate to print later and post at work.

You better believe I bought a winner’s t-shirt, too.

Life in Dreams is currently standing at 50,190 words.  It’s not finished.  I was really glad that I hit that 50,000 mark before I got to Aurana’s big speech – I haven’t even started to draft that puppy, and the winning would have waited until the 29th if it required that part of the novel.

There are still many things to resolve in Dreams.  I’m guessing it will end up being around 70,000 words completed.  Of course, I’ll give you the full stats on it once it’s done. For now, though, I plan to write at a slower pace and maybe finish a few non-novel related projects that have been languishing as I worked feverishly towards 50,000 words.

My first NaNoWriMo was a success!  Thanks for coming along for the ride!