Suddenly Obsessed with Writing: A NaNo Update

Blog posts written days in advance. Inspiration flowing like a mountain stream during the spring melt. 12,000 words in the first week.  I’d say NaNoWriMo is serving its intended purpose!

On Thursday night I wrote four blog posts.  As I already had Thursday and Friday scheduled, this took me through today.  (I started this post on Thursday, although I stopped part of the way through when I realized I might jinx myself.)

Now that I’m adding to the post a little closer to the date, I can definitely say that the writing just keeps coming.  I’m almost a week ahead in blog posts!  The story of Erin and Aurana is flowing well, and although I can see some possible bumps down the road I’m not going to worry about them yet.

This is just the first week, so we’ll see how the rest of the month shakes out.  For now, though, I’m pleased I chose to participate!