A Choice: Make a List Or Just Get Started?

This is a post about moving that also applies to writing.  Follow along, readers, and discover how.

Early this evening (or late this afternoon, based on your point of view) I returned home from a road trip with my best friend.  I have a large amount of stuff to take care of before I begin my trek to my new home in South Dakota, and I find myself facing a choice.

Should I make a list of everything that I need to get done, or should I just start working on things?

Of course, just getting started has some appeal.  I’ll feel like I’ve actually accomplished something when I go to bed.  Plus, if I get things done tonight, I’ll have less to do tomorrow.

Making a list has its positive points as well.  There are things that need to get done tomorrow – I can’t call about my going-away dinner tonight, nor can I pick up medicine for my dog.  If I just dive in tonight, there is a chance that my brain will not remember everything after I’ve slept.

I think I’ll go for a hybrid, because these two tasks are not mutually exclusive.  Taking the time to make a list, while it decreases the time I have for tasks, does not completely preclude getting started.  I may not get as much done as if I had skipped the list, but the benefit of not forgetting things seems to outweigh the reduction in packing time.

Now, for the part you’ve been waiting for – how does this relate to writing?  (Honestly, you’ve probably figured it out already, but play along.)  Making a list is similar to outlining a plot or writing character sketches.  It allows you to make sure that you don’t forget anything as you get involved in your story.  Just jumping in and accomplishing something is the same as just diving in and writing the story.  For most people, the hybrid is often the best option, although it looks a little different.  Instead of starting with the “list,” you can dive in for a bit of writing (to catch those vivid scenes while they are fresh) and then take the time to create the skeleton before really digging in for the rest of the writing.

For now, I’m going to make a list and then start some packing. 🙂

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